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Debugging is one of the skills you must have as a developer. Because coding is 80% debugging and 20% writing the code. Debugging in layman's terms is...
As a developer, we need to write a lot of code. So, what we try to do is write reusable code. That’s where Sass mixin comes into play. With Sass...
Centering a div is a crucial skill for a web developer. So, today I’ll share 3 ways to center a div horizontally and vertically. · Centering a div is a...
When building websites or apps a lot of the time we need to build equal height columns. But sometimes it’s hard to create equal height columns if all...
If you are looking for projects to practice your Front-end skills like CSS, JavaScript, and React, then you are in the right place. In this series,...
This is day 10 and project 10 of Build 10 CSS Projects in 10 days. This is the final project of this series. Yaay! we made it to the end! If you...